Senin, 28 September 2015

Annisa (English Ver.)

Harga:Rp98,000 / Rp78,400 (20% Off) 
Penulis:John Michaelson | 
Rencana Terbit:September 2015 
Jenis Cover:Soft Cover 
Ukuran:135 x 200 mm 
Berat:500 gram 

A young Indonesian woman with an ailing mother and a celebrity father whose moon is on the wane. A painful family secret dragged into the open, a subversive Western lecturer, and nowhere else to turn. A steady drift into dangerous waters, a choice between black and white when everything seems grey.

‘A simple and perceptive drama, Annisa shines a light on social matters close to the hearts of many Indonesians.’
Muzakkir Husain, Berita Satu

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